
Custom Application Development

Some applications do require custom development and do not necessarily match within SharePoint OOB features: you need to bring in your .NET developers, who typically use Visual Studio and program in C# or VB.Net. SharePoint has a rich object model for .NET applications to directly access the data stored in SharePoint as well as the configuration of SharePoint sites and services.

BuildSharePoint has experience working on dozens of custom applications that touch base almost all the pillars of Sharepoint including Line of Business Forms, Workflows, Collaboration, Content Management, Portal etc.

The most common ways to extend SharePoint applications with code are:

    • Custom Web Parts
    • Custom .NET workflows
    • .NET Event Handlers (for example, code that runs when a document is opened in SharePoint)
    • Custom authentication providers
    • Extensions that run inside InfoPath, Word, or other Microsoft Office products
    • ASPX web pages with code-behind (for example, interactive buttons or data validation logic)
    • Web services